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1000 words a week – chapter 6 – Revision and addition


“Dear readers, Before I start on the story of today I want to thank those who gave me feedback! I really appreciate it, and although I did not take the time to correct last entry, I did however address the most pressing point I got from you guys. The main thing you guys noted was the ending from last episode. Which was incredibly forced and had no buildup. Today I have tried to fix that by rewriting that part. I hope that you think this version is better. In addition to the revision, I also wrote the next part in the story about the couriers. This time, our protagonist searches for help.

Also I want to tell you guys a little secret. I am working on my own webpage on which people can give feedback without having to create an account. I heard that is a bit of an obstruction to posting something. I hope I can find the time to switch next week, but the next quarter is also starting. I guess we will see. For now, I hope you’ll have a blast reading the next part in the story. Greetings, Peter Verzijl”


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1000 words a week – chapter 5 – Stains to puddles


“Hallo dear readers, I hope you enjoyed the last entry because this one is answering the questions from last time. In this episode our protagonist finds out what happened at the building and where all that blood came from. While writing this episode I was a little tired, but I hope you guys find this […]


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1000 words a week – part 4 – Invasion


“Hallo readers, this is my forth post and the first milestone has been reached. I have been writing for a whole month now! And to be frank, I am enjoying this weekly thing more than ever. This time I had the pleasure of working next to one of my favorite roommates who worked on a […]


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1000 words a week – part 3 – sexytime


“Hey guys, before I start off I want to thank every single one of you who has read my posts so far and especially the friend who have commented on my writing. I have had a lot good response so far and I hope I can satisfy your expectations. The third week has past and […]


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1000 words a week – part 2 (a story in need of a name)


“Dear readers, this is the second part from my weekly update. Just in time actually. Writing is taking my sleepy time away again. Just like last time. I really have to plan time in advance next time, for I had things planned for tomorrow morning. But it seems like sleeping early is not anymore the […]


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1000 words a week – kickoff


“Dear readers, it has been a while hasn’t it? I have been away for a while because of personal issues such as exams and failed to pick up the trail afterwards. But as every hobby, soon or later you will always come back to it somehow. This time it was because of a great class […]


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Angels´ Fall – part 1


He walked back to the closet to get himself some clothes, he was still, a little underdressed to go and face his crew this way. Equipped with only a pair of boxers and socks he would look quite interesting. I wondered what would happen. I couldn’t help but chuckle a little. He zipped up his […]


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Working title?! – 1000 words a week


“Hello readers, a short one this time. The busiest time of the year finally got to me and the assignments plus preparations for the courses seem to pile up faster then I can work ‘m down. I wish I had more time to spend on writing and I didn’t even manage to post last week. […]


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Thinking from engines, part two.


Hey blog readers, I hope you liked the last part I wrote, because I have decided to build upon the last iteration. Here is the second part. I have tried to listen to more neutral music so that it wouldn’t influence my writing that much. This time I have listened to “Deep Space” by Redux. […]


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Thinking from engines


“My first blog post on the internet (exiting!), and I have already skipped the introduction. Great start. Well here goes, a little sketch I wrote for my book called Orb-e. I don’t know when it will be finished but I felt like sharing this inspirational moment I had, with the world. I hope you like it, because […]