
Evil Santa Rampage – Nostalgia Ludum Dare


Oh Evil Santa Rampage; this brings up old memories looking at this game. It was the game of firsts. First game I had real feedback on, fist game more then 5 people played, first game ever to be touched by a foreigner, first game to be made within a weekend and my first ever Ludum […]


What is this Random Abductions thing?!


We are Random Abductions. But really, actually an Indie game development company. Freshly started this last year’s summer. We are composed of two Creative Technology students who are dedicated to create awesome, meaningful, science oriented, serious or any other types of games. Our studio (actually a student dorm, but we pretend it’s our studio), is […]


Perlin Noise in Processing


A processing sketch made to figure out how perlin noise works and how to move and create meshes in Processing. I was inspired by the way Minecraft created it’s endless worlds, so I did some research. He basically uses various layered frequencies and parameters of perlin noise to create the different biomes. The effect was […]


Snowman PixelZ


I waited for my partner during the December game jam of 2014. So I decided to do some warming up and draw some damn pixel art! It was supposed to be winter but here in the Netherlands it doesn’t snow that often. So no snowman making for me. Missing the vibe, I created my own […]




Ludum Dare 31 Nearing the annual holidays with all its glory and family necessities one other thing was also coming up, LUDUM DAAARE! Which was the third time for me participating during this time of the year. And a lot has happened. Both with me and my game designing skills. I remember staring the very […]


SubWars – LD29


SubWars is a game I made for Ludum Dare (to give a game). A contest where people around the world create video games within a weekend. Or otherwise, a lot of coding, drawing, music making, stressing within 48 hours. This was definitely not my first LD nor my first game jam, since I already did […]


Cyber Defense (LD28)


It is finally here, after 72 hours of hard work we have managed to finish our third Ludum Dare game: “Cyber Defense”. A game where you’ll have to defend your computer from waves of viruses. Use all the eight different guns at your disposal. There is one catch, you can only use ‘em once! 🙁 […]


Typewriters in the Technology Age


The age of computers has been here for over three decades. We live in a digital age where mistakes can be easily corrected with the press of two buttons. Control and z. The same ease we now push every key on our chocolate style keyboards. However, the satisfaction of typing has left with the machine […]


Ludum Dare 26 Game Jam Result


A few weeks back (three to be exact) Siewart van Wingerden and myself, participated in a game jam. Which is a weekend (Saturday until Monday) where a team of game designers build a game around a certain theme. The theme of this year was minimalism. For what you might think: “That is kind of a broad theme.” Which it is, but that allows for great variation between the mechanics and direction of the individual games. A requisite if more then six hundred games a year are submitted to the contest. You need to differentiate your game from the rest if you intend to win.


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1000 words a week – chapter 7 – The old geezer.


The fact that this old man knew about the other groups of couriers, gave me the idea that this old man was very well connected to the world of illegal transportation. Which of course surprised me. Not exactly an age to be connected with gangs, nor would he have been a member. Since this business […]