What is this Random Abductions thing?!
are Random Abductions. But really, actually an Indie game development
company. Freshly started this last year’s summer. We are composed of two
Creative Technology students who are dedicated to create awesome,
meaningful, science oriented, serious or any other types of games.
Our studio (actually a student dorm, but we pretend it’s our studio), is located in Enschede, or more broadly, the Netherlands. Where we both still study at the moment of writing. But who is this WE person we keep talking about? Well… two persons to be exact. Siewart van Wingerden and Peter Verzijl. Of which the first is actually finishing his master in Human Media Interaction and the later has just switched from Industrial Design to Creative Technology.
So far we don’t have any finished games to our name, but a few Ludum Dare prototypes, but we are hard at work to change that. Meaning, there should be an alpha of our first retail game at the end of this summer holiday (at least, that is the schedule for now). Besides that we also worked on an animation for a major standardization event and won a prize for creating a gamification app.
We also have a lot of personal projects going which can be found at our personal portfolio websites, if you are ACTUALLY interested, or something.
But yeah, that’s about it. Apart from our personal quirks and occasional creative twitches.
Greetings and stay Abducted!
The Random Abductions Team.